
Delusions of Grandeur


The Guardian hosted a ridiculous spectacle today that was a Q&A session with Edward Snowden, and before they even arrived at the third question the idea that he may be assassinated came up. Again.

The second question, from The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald, read as follows: “How many sets of the documents you disclosed did you make, and how many different people have them? If anything happens to you, do they still exist?” [...]

“All I can say right now is the US Government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me,” he wrote. “Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped.”

In The Guardian’s original profile of him, Snowden claimed the U.S. government may “pay off the Triads” to kill him. Kill him because he revealed that FISA is a thing that exists. Obviously.

Privileged white libertarians with delusions of grandeur can only fantasize about being martyred. For the residents of Chicago, being murdered is an existential threat. More on that shortly.

File this under “wingnuts.”