The Media

Destroy That Commercial

The extent of my cable news -- and commercial television -- viewing consisted of Olbermann at 8PM, with a little bit of a bleed into the earlier and later (Matthews and Abrams) shows. But since around November and the serious ramping up of the primary campaign, I've been watching much more cable television than usual.

And you know what sucks more than some of the horseshit that passes for "news"? The commercials, of course. At this point, the commercial that I want to destroy more than any other is the one for the credit report company -- the kid in the pirate costume singing about "selling fish to tourists." Make it stop! That jingle is haunting me in my sleep. And I want to punch that dude right in his punch-me face.

The other commercial that pisses me right the hell off is the Cadillac commercial with the rich woman talking about her "favorite things." Talk about a slap in the face of everyone struggling to fill up their cars with $4 gasoline. A rich lady speeding around in a huge Cadillac talking about how rich she is. Then she pulls up to "the boy's club in one of these." The underlying message is of course that you must buy "one of these" irrespective of whether you can afford it. Why? So you can feel rich and luxurious. Smart!

Then when you're broke, you can use the annoying pirate-themed credit report company to determine how broke you are.

Any others you'd like to destroy?