George W. Bush

Don’t stop at Brown.

Now that the right-wing mouthpieces like Andrew Sullivan have clearly gotten the memo that blaming "state and local officials" is not working as a CYA strategy for Bush, they are joining the Times-Picayune in calling for the firing of Michael "Brownie" Brown.

You know a guy that Bush nicknames "Brownie" is in trouble. I mean, he clearly didn't put a lot of effort into the nickname. He didn't nickname Karl "Rovey," after all.

So Bush/Rove/Bartlett et al. are clearly hoping that the buck will stop at Brownie.

Sorry Mr. "President," but that's not going to wash. Brownie is horrible and must be fired, but he wasn't the one who signed budgets that horribly cut the levee building. That was you, Georgie.

Don't bother firing Brown and then going to Chertoff and others. Just cut to the chase and fire yourself before we spend more tax-payer dollars firing you the old-fashioned way.