
Ebert vs. Breitbart vs. Pazienza

If you dare, check out this post at Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood site and gaze at the cavalcade of freakdog wingnuttia that fills the comments.

Basically, Roger Ebert only recently discovered what "teabagging" meant in the context of the tea party movement. And so he tweeted that. Consequently, the Brietbart teabaggers have unleashed hell. One commenter writes: "Yet another famous libtard who can't keep his mouth shut and so ends up, 'hung by the tongue.'" Knowing Ebert's medical condition -- you stay classy, wingnuts.

Enter Chez Pazienza who defended Ebert and has once again enraged douchey Breitbart.

Adding... If you haven't read the Esquire piece about Ebert, you should.