
Effing Lieberman

Posted by Redmond

If you haven't heard already, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I - Land of Insurance Companies Out the Anus) is threatening to filibuster health care reform alongside Republicans. Here's the bullshit he's spinning via Marcy Wheeler:

So here’s what Joe Lieberman claims the public option will do:

* Be costly to taxpayers
* Drive up premiums
* Involve cost-shifting to private plans
* Create an entitlement
* Increase the national debt
* Put more of a tax burden on taxpayers

She also goes on to call out several media outlets that fail to shove it back in Lieberman's face that he's essentially pulling these facts out of his Lieber-hole. Of course, the most ridiculous claim is that he doesn't want to be the one to sink health care reform which is the equivalent of me saying I don't want to get drunk while chugging 25 beers on an empty stomach. "Stars and garters, how did this happen..."