Republican Party

End Games


As exposed as ever for their spanner-in-the-works approach to governance, one must ask: just what is the Republican's end game?

Clearly, it's not to improve the welfare of America's citizens, since their policies invariably marginalize and/or burden the majority of them.

It's not to inform them, since the majority of information disseminated from Republican funded sources is bowdlerized, dubiously researched or outright refutable lies.

It's not to make the American public more secure, since the previous administration's bungling in Iraq and Afghanistan led to a loss of prestige and power and an increase in enemies at home and abroad.

And it's not to help the nation advance into the new century, since their agenda seems to evoke a world two centuries past.

So, given their propensity to use fear as a motivator and sow division among the masses, to side with profiteering corporations against the middle class and to demonize other cultures and mock the poor, along with everything else described above, what could it be?

Answer: to create a junkyard.

A societal landfill where once viable ideas now lay in twisted heaps; once ably utilized resources now exploited and discarded; rich, hopeful lives now humiliated and victimized by a culture of greed, all thrown together in a mass, twitching grave.

This meticulously planned state of affairs creates an atmosphere of misery and confusion.

And this in turn spawns an ad hoc industry which supplies simplistic solutions writ in crayon, purposefully inadequate responses to those in desperate need, who greedily devour the toxic offerings as though it were honeyed manna.

People are judged by their actions and by the results of those actions; nations are judged similarly. Based on the actions and results from decades of Republican schemes, their endgame is now clear.

And so, now, is ours.