Democratic Party

Evan Bayh's Common Sense Solutions

I love it -- love it! -- when Democrats repeat Republican frames. Very helpful and effective to reinforce what these wackaloons have to say. Evan Bayh, for example, was on Morning Joe this morning and used variations of the phrase "common sense solutions."

We're gonna pursue a common sense path to get back on the right path.

Common sense solutions that show we're in touch with ordinary Americans...

It sounded familiar. Where have I heard that before?

But those common sense solutions there, especially with the cutting taxes on the job creators? That's not even being discussed.

Not when there are common sense solutions to meeting health care challenges in our country... So lots of commonsense solutions that need to be plugged in before ever considering federal government taking it over.

It's all about Americans who are hurting right now and what those solutions are that are so obvious, so common sense that need to be plugged in.

Sarah Palin on the Rush Limbaugh program.