Sarah Palin

Fancy Pageant Walkin'

I just rewatched highlights (by Jed below) from Palin's whatever-the-hell-that-was yesterday. It's so obvious that she believes the hype. She seriously thinks she can get to the White House by lookin' pretty and barely hurdlin' dirt-low expectations, while refusing to become a serious leader. She thinks she can take shortcuts to the presidency.

What makes this even more ridiculous is that she appears desperate and pathetic while doing it -- like a reality TV star who just can't let go of the spotlight. And no-one has the heart to tell her that it's over -- that she can't bullsh-t her way through the next four years without becoming a total laughing stock.

But I'm not complaining, of course. If the Republicans want to prop her up as their standard bearer, be our guest.