Foreign Policy Iraq

Former President Forgets He Was President


When asked if President Obama is a “fool” and a “traitor” on ABC’s This Week, former Vice President Dick “Dick” Cheney accused President Obama of creating a power vacuum in Iraq.

Without denying that he was questioning Obama’s intentions or dismissing the premise of Karl’s question, Cheney reiterated his criticism of the president for leaving “a big vacuum” in the entire Middle East, failing to recognize the terrorist threat, and limiting “the capability of future presidents to combat crises” by trimming military spending. Cheney ended his answer by stressing that he doesn’t “intend any disrespect for the president.”

As I grow older my memory isn’t quite as good, however I’m fairly certain that Dick Cheney was vice president in 2003 and I’m certain he served as Warmonger in Chief.

The Bush Cheney administration invaded Iraq in 2003 and created “a big vacuum,” and when the Big Vacuum exploded we began paying militias not to fight in what was known as “the surge.”

What were we suppose to do, pay them forever? I know some fine Americans who belong on a payroll but not radical militias in Iraq.

If the “capability of future presidents to combat crises” has been eroded, there’s no one more responsible than him. This is Dick Cheney’s legacy whether he likes it or not.

That never gets old.