Open Thread

Fundraising Open Thread

It's the final night for our mid-Summer fundraising drive, so now's your last chance. You must click the jolly candy-like button now before it returns to its usual spot on the lefthand column over there. Seriously, if you can spare some extra folding money to help keep this blog fully charged with pulse-pounding chunks of snark about the news of the day, we'd seriously appreciate it. And by "we'd" I mean "me'd". Me. Bob.

Thank you so much to all of you for donating. I'm honored and humbled by your generosity. And I am eternally grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of this community. Cheers!


Also, open thread for your Wednesday night blogotubers. Blogotube about whatever you want.

Oh, and no Huffington Post column this week. I'm working on another project and it's taking up a lot of my time. Be back next week on the usual day.

And finally, you've convinced me. The famous Prime Time Thread will return beginning tomorrow night at its regular time: Around 6:30PM-ish every night. Be nice to the Prime Time Thread and it will be nice to you.

UPDATE: Bumped.