
Going Galt

This new Malkin protest could actually be more ridiculous than the tea party revolution. (Don't forget to get a permit for your revolution, wingnuts.)

She's rallying people to "go Galt," referring to the protagonist from Atlas Shrugged. Essentially, this means that rich people should stop working in order to starve the government of revenue.

I love it when the upper class -- the most powerful people in the nation -- take on the role of the oppressed. It's cute when Republicans play dress up. Flight suits, cowboys, cable guys, revolutionaries.

But for a religious fundamentalist like Malkin to take up the mantle of Rand would likely make atheist Rand throw up into her own mouth. And maybe Malkin ought to square her support for torture with the fact that Galt was tortured by the government. Furthermore, at the end of Atlas Shrugged, America collapses.

And, as Hilzoy points out, none of the brainiacs who are embracing Galt have actually, you know, gone Galt.

Adding... Hilzoy posted another takedown here.

Likewise, Ronald Reagan was apparently a Class Warrior: for six of the eight years during which Reagan was President, the top tax bracket was 50%. It's a wonder anyone worked at all! In Reagan's defense, though, he was just carrying on a long tradition of wealth expropriation carried out by socialists like Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.