GOP Approves Increased Spending…

...for DOMA

While negotiations concerning the fiscal cliff continue, and as the Tea Party House reportedly rejects the idea of even a 10-to-1 cuts:revenue deal, the Republicans have found at least one thing they're willing to spend more money on -- defending bigotry.

It has come to light that House Administration Committee Chairman Dan Lungren (R-CA) secretly approved a $500,000 increase to a contract with a private law firm to defend the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in federal court. While the increase was approved in September, neither the public nor the Democratic House minority was informed until this week, Roll Call reports.

The contract now authorizes Bancroft PLLC and former Solicitor General Paul Clement (R) to spend up to $2 million in to defend DOMA — the second increase to what was originally a $1 million cap.

Former Solicitor General Paul Clement must have an amazing public relations team, because after failing to stop Obamacare, he's been given a pay raise ahead of an equally unsuccessful campaign to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act. Or so we hope.

Unless you do something truly heinous, such as support President Obama for any reason, you can only fail upward in the Republican party.