
GOP Backs Away From Medicare Coupons

We all knew that privatizing Medicare is something which would never make it past the senate as long as Democrats control it, and even if it did, President Obama would use his veto power to stop it.

Apparently Republicans are beginning to accept that reality too, because now they are officially backing down from the proposal to convert Medicare into a glorified coupon program.

(Reuters) - Congressional Republicans on Thursday backed away from a contentious plan to overhaul Medicare that President Barack Obama and fellow Democrats have turned into a weapon against them for next year's elections.

House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee Chairman David Camp said his panel will not advance a Republican proposal to privatize Medicare for future retirees because it stands no chance of getting passed by the Democratic-led Senate. But Camp said the powerful tax-writing committee will act on any compromise reached on a deficit reduction plan [...]

The Medicare plan's author, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, said Republicans hoped to achieve some spending cuts in negotiations but predicted that any sweeping changes to the popular health program would not be in play until after 2012.

Unfortunately for the Republicans, they're already on record having voted in favor of the Paul Ryan Path to Poverty which includes the Groupon-ing of Medicare. And unfortunately for Mister Ryan, doing so will not be "in play" even after 2012.

I'd like to offer a slice of humble-pie, free of charge, to all the pundits who designated the Paul Ryan Path to Poverty as bold, courageous, and game-changing.