
Hoodie Control


The Oklahoma legislature will consider a bill next month that would make it illegal to wear a hoodie because what we really need in his country is some hoodie control, not gun control.

Republican Senator Don Barrington will introduce the bill, which would make it a misdemeanor to “wear a mask, hood, or covering” either while committing a crime or in order to intentionally conceal one’s identity. If the bill is passed, offenders would be subject to a fine of $50 to $500, and up to one year in jail.

Who can say with authority that someone is intentionally concealing their identity by wearing a hoodie in public? Who makes that call?

Given that minorities are already subject to racial profiling, criminalizing an item of cloth would only expand the list of dubious reasons why police may harass and imprison people of color.

White people, such as myself, also wear hoodies in public on a regular basis, but if you believe this law would be applied equally I may be able to interest you in some doomsday insurance.