Lizard People

Housebound Seniors Not Showing Enough Results for Mick Mulvaney

Written by SK Ashby

Forgive the deadpan, but this guy is a fucking asshole.

Trump's fantasy budget was unveiled yesterday morning and, as expected, it would cut spending for virtually everything except defense and completely eliminate dozens of programs and agencies.

Among the programs that could be eliminated by Trump's budget is Meals on Wheels, a program that delivers food to housebound seniors. And according to White House budget director Mick Mulvaney, a man so deranged even his fellow Republicans give him dirty looks, the Meals on Wheels program just isn't delivering the results he'd like to see.

Pressed by a reporter specifically on the effect of the cuts on programs like "Meals on Wheels," Mulvaney stressed that the program wasn't a direct federal program but one that states can decide to fund with their federal community development block grants.

"The CDBGs have been identified as programs since the second Bush administration as ones that were just not showing any results. We can't do that anymore," Mulvaney said. "We can't spend money on programs just because they sound good. Great, 'Meals on Wheels' sounds great. That's a state decision to fund that particular portion."

It's not clear what "results" Mulvaney and Trump expect to see, but you don't deliver food to seniors who are unable to leave their homes while expecting to receive something in return. This is basic humanitarian assistance, not a fucking socioeconomic experiment designed to rehabilitate the elderly into productive capitalist drones.

This literal granny-starving policy is brought to you by the same regime that gladly shells out tens of millions of dollars to pay for the security of Trump Tower and the Mar-a-Lago.