
How Much

Paul Blumenthal provides us with the numbers for the Gang of Six:

Sen. Susan Collins raised $1,559,446 from the health and insurance sectors over the course of her career. [...]

Sen. Mary Landrieu raised $1,676,353 from the health and insurance sectors over the course of her career. [...]

Sen. Joe Lieberman raised $3,593,771 from the health and insurance sectors over the course of his career. [...]

Sen. Ben Nelson raised $2,257,165 from the health and insurance sectors over the course of his career. [...]

Sen. Olympia Snowe raised $1,147,630 from the health and insurance sectors over the course of her career. [...]

Sen. Ron Wyden raised $1,414,911 from the health and insurance sectors over the course of his career.

Fancy that. Joe Lieberman has taken the most cash from the mafia.