Congressional Republicans collectively climaxed after unveiling their grand package of tax cuts for the rich this week, but what happens next? What do they do now?
At least some Republicans are concerned that "tax reform" will be the new "repeal and replace" including Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch who will be at the center of the debate moving forward.
Senator Hatch is concerned that their tax cut bill will be a "piece of crap."
Then there’s the Senate, the graveyard of Republicans' efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare. Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), asked about the biggest challenges in turning the plan GOP leaders released this week into legislation, deadpanned: "Fellow senators."
“It’s mostly all complicated,” Hatch added, later noting: “I want it to be the right kind of a bill. I don’t want it to be some piece of crap, which we’re so used to around here.”
Is it too late already?

Hatch's committee isn't expected to unveil an actual bill with text we can read until November so it will be a while until we find out just how shitty it is.