Senator Barack Obama

I Don't Mind Saying…

...Senator Clinton needs to get out of the way. Her name will still be on the ballot in the remaining states so everyone will have a chance to vote in this thing, but she just needs to step off. Every second spent talking about Senator Clinton: In or Out? And What About Michigan & Florida? is one less minute spent on how awful Senator McCain is. Speaking of how awful Senator McCain is... Watch this...

I just saw Howard Wolfson on Hardball along with some random clips of the Senator in West Virginia and, yes, they're crazy. What's worse is that the superdelegates clearly don't have to guts to settle this thing either, and I was wrong to expect they would. I've been wrong about liberal endorsements before.

But there was a period of time this week in which I thought we should go easy on the Clintons. I was wrong to think that they'd back away from the negative attacks and race-baiting. They haven't. Today we've heard Obama Can't Win the White Vote. That, of course, is a lie.

So the Clintons want to stick around and help the Republicans and the McCain campaign a little while (or a long while) longer. Fine. Then we have to fight back.