Glenn Greenwald NSA The Daily Banter

I’ll Stop Writing About Glenn Greenwald’s NSA Coverage When He Stops Lying

My Monday column:

Recently, I’ve been badgered on Twitter by several overzealous cranks who’ve asked me whether I’ve become a professional Glenn Greenwald troll. This is especially bizarre considering how this question emanated from real-life anonymous trolls who fail to exhibit the courage of their convictions by using their actual names, and so, nestled snugly within the cozy protection of esoteric pseudonyms, they can tweet about anything with impunity.

I generally don’t take it seriously or personally, nor do I respond very often. But one troll in particular demanded that I stop covering this beat. I replied, “I will. When Greenwald stops lying.”

Of course I’ve written about many other topics in the meantime, both in this space and within my daily blog, but the ferocity with which I’ve pursued this story is a direct reflection upon the pervasiveness of the serial misinformation I’ve observed from Greenwald, Edward Snowden and their collective acolytes on the NSA issue.

Consequently, I’ve been predominantly focused on recording my day-to-day observations on this epic story. It’s not because I particularly like fighting my way through Greenwald’s pedantic articles and TV spots. It’s chiefly because I feel as if he’s leading a considerable segment of the left down an embarrassingly unhinged, conspiratorial, non-empirical road. And, simply put, I think it’s wrong. Actually, that understates how I strongly I feel about this thing. As with the far-right or Fox News Channel, or the National Rifle Association for that matter, I’m compelled by my own desire to seek the truth — to exploit my very small chunk of the internet as a means to correct willful misinformation, irrationality and outright lies.

Take, for example, Greenwald’s latest pair of television appearances. [READ MORE]