Joe Lieberman

In Defense Of Lieberman

From the e-mail. Oh my:

You wrote a terrible piece on Joe Lieberman in your “open letter”. Joe Lieberman is nothing but the most respectable guy I’ve ever met. You Democrats are soooo mad at him because he dared to say what he believed and not what “the party” wanted. All of a sudden the Democratic Party is sounding a lot like Big Brother’s party. Joe votes with Democrats 90% of the time (so after running a 2 years long campaign on how one guy agrees “90%” of the time with somebody and how that’s THE SAME IDEALOGY Democrats now threaten to take away his Chairmanship because he’s not liberal enough). I got a great opportunity to meet Joe and he said he would probably support Obama for President he just didn’t think he was ready this time around. Is it really so wrong of him to think that someone who’s been in the Senate for 2 years isn’t ready?

Most respectable guy he's ever met? This guy clearly doesn't hang out with many respectable people.