Republican Party

Inglorius Basterd

by Lee Stranahan

So I listened to the first hour of Rush Limbaugh's show this morning and for those of you who thought Rush was bad, I should point out in the interest of fairness that he's actually far worse than you can imagine.

It's really an alternate reality. A whole other universe. In RushWorld, Barack Obama doesn't care about your retirement money. Barack Obama has also been in charge of the economy for thirteen months, too. And the President is depressing and negative. And he tells black people to give up all hope. Really, it's like Kurtz from Apocalypse Now up further up river, took over Fox News and put microdot under a naked, mud covered Hannity's tongue.

Which does make him the leader of the conservatives.

But still - it's wrong to dismiss him or the people who listen to him. His appeal doesn't seem primarily negative - his main appeal is actually to positive attributes like hard work, success and excellence. Seriously. It's all as neat and seamless as the polished narrative of any cult.

Would you like to take a free personality test, by the way?