
Institutionalized Christian Superiority Complex

Posted by Redmond

Here's a Sabbath-worthy example of Bush's Jebus-head appointees screwing over soldiers by categorizing PTSD as nothing more than a lack of faith. Via Andrew Sullivan:

Sullivan explained to McLendon and the other attendees that the rise in benefits claims the VA was noticing was caused partly by Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who were suffering from PTSD. “That’s too many,” McLendon said, then hit his hand on the table. “They are too young” to be filing claims, and they are doing it “too soon.” He hit the table again. The claims, he said, are “costing us too much money,” and if the veterans “believed in God and country . . . they would not come home with PTSD.” [Emphasis mine.]

PTSD got you down? Try a King James, you pussy!

Christianity: There's Nothing We Don't Have a Knee-jerk Answer For.

(Tip of the hat to MrBrink for the title.)