Racism Super Stupid

Iowa Audience Asks Jindal if He’s an “Anchor Baby”

Written by SK Ashby

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal was born in America at a time when neither of his parents were American citizens. He was what many Republicans now refer to as an "anchor baby."

But he is not an anchor baby, Jindal insists, and any such accusation is just the liberal media doing the devil's work. Or maybe it's based on Jindal's own words.

At the Tuesday event Jindal shared a story about his parents, joking that he was a "pre-existing condition" while his mother was pregnant while flying to United States.

An audience member later asked Jindal "Did I hear you say you were an anchor baby?"

"No, no, I'm not," Jindal said.


We knew Republicans were in favor of pre-existing conditions, but this is extraordinary.

This helpfully illustrates the convoluted standards Republicans operate under. If Jindal doesn't consider himself to be a so-called anchor baby, it would be another example of how the term is only applied to children of Latin American descent, or possibly children of Asian descent if you ask Jeb Bush. In other words, it's a racist term.