
Is Glenn Beck Getting Fired?

Posted by Redmond

Glenn Beck's latest Internet screed - expertly tagged and commented on by Elvis here - is creating speculation across the blogotubes that he's either a.) about to mystically heal his physical ailments showing the world he's the one, true Antichrist revealed to John in a dream. (My prediction.) Or b.) get canned by Fox News for shedding 200 [Ed. Almost 300!] advertisers, a feat even more catastrophic than the time Kirk kissed Uhura and got Star Trek canceled.* "Whites? Coloreds? Kissing in space?! I won't have it!" said America before watching Sally Field don a habit and fly. "I like it because it's church."

Unfortunately, the Beck situation is looking more like the latter which is exactly what that guy needs, more martyrdom. has evidence of increased friction between Lord Punch-Me-Face and Fox from earlier in the week:

Well, this morning, I noticed that Fox News is not following Glenn Beck on Twitter. Fox News follows 42 people, which includes their significant personalities, their shows and some of their lesser known personalities – except for Glenn Beck.
... This just after Glenn Beck was snubbed in Fox News’ latest promo.

Of course, in a sane and rational world, not following someone on Twitter shouldn't be the indicator of anything that doesn't involve prom. However, as we speak, a Nazi fetishist and an anti-masturbating former-witch are legitimate candidates for public office, so realistically, nothing's off the table at this point.

*Some may argue that Star Trek was going to be canceled anyway that season, to which I counter, I've talked to girls. No foolin'.

Update: In hindsight, this post might suggest I want Glenn Beck to remain on Fox News telling viewers Obama is hiding Sharia Law in their corn flakes. And actually I do, but only in his current state. What's better than watching Fox fork over millions for a program it can't even make money off of as it simultaneously shreds whatever tiny, almost non-existent credibility the network has left? Case in point: Watch Bill O'Reilly's face anytime someone mentions Beck. He'd be more comfortable discussing the sensual qualities of falafel.