
It's All About the Bribery

Paul Krugman underscores today how ridiculously hypocritical the Nelson-Lieberman "gang of six" -- or as I like to call them, "asshats" -- are with regards to healthcare reform spending. Krugman notes that every one of them voted for massive spending programs, and they oppose the public option which will make healthcare reform less expensive.

If the Gang of Six really does kill reform, remember their names; they will bear the responsibility for vast, unnecessary suffering over the years to come.

And if there isn't a signed bill by October, healthcare reform is dead. If there is a delay, as the Gang of Six is promoting, healthcare reform won't happen. If it does, it'll be a minor bill that will likely subsidize and mildly regulate insurers, with giant loopholes and nothing substantive.

Again, all of this -- the hypocrisy, the lack of a coherent arguments, the polls, all of it -- circles back to the fact that Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman, Mary Landrieu and the GOP members of the Asshats are being paid by the healthcare industry to crush reform. It's that simple. When will very serious people in Washington begin to point this out. Mr. President?