Jeb Bush Was For Indiana’s “Religious Freedom” Law Before He Was Against It

Written by SK Ashby

On Monday of this week, former governor and presidential hopeful Jeb Bush praised Indiana Governor Mike Pence for signing the so-called "religious freedom" law that enables discrimination, saying that Pence did the "right thing."

At the time, Bush told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt that the only reason critics were slamming the Indiaian law is because they haven't read it.

Jeb apparently walked back his remarks last night during a private meeting with tech industry donors.

Jeb Bush appeared to modify his public comments about Indiana’s “religious freedom” law on Wednesday in a closed-door Silicon Valley fund-raiser, telling a small group of potential supporters that a “consensus-oriented” approach would have been better at the outset. [...]

By the end of the week, I think Indiana will be in the right place, which is to say that we need in a big diverse country like America, we need to have space for people to act on their conscience, that it is a constitutional right that religious freedom is a core value of our country, “ Mr. Bush said.

But “we shouldn’t discriminate based on sexual orientation,” he said.

While Jeb said critics only 'blasted' the law because they didn't read it, it's evident that he is the one who didn't read it.

Either he didn't read it before endorsing it, or he changed his tune after observing the national reaction.

Apple was one of the first major companies that spoke out against the law and I don't think it's a coincidence that Jeb Bush took a different position in Silicon Valley.

(Getty photo)