
Jebus vs. Capitalism

Posted by Redmond

Michael Moore has written an open letter to churchgoers on this holiest of days, and it's refreshing to see someone square in the public eye finally address the almost impossible task of reconciling the current state of capitalism and Christianity:

It doesn't seem you can call yourself a Capitalist AND a Christian -- because you cannot love your money AND love your neighbor when you are denying your neighbor the ability to see a doctor just so you can have a better bottom line. That's called "immoral" -- and you are committing a sin when you benefit at the expense of others.

It's a poignant commentary on the intellectual bankruptcy of Christianity that churches (Edit: With exceptions. - R.) aren't getting behind healthcare reform. I'm pretty sure Jesus spent most of his fictional time tending to the sick and absolutely none of it proselytizing about the awesomeness of naked short selling or decrying corporate taxes. I believe his exact words were "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's" which simply translates to "Pay your taxes, bitches."

Also, anyone surprised to read Michael Moore is a Catholic? That's like finding out Colonel Sanders was a vegan.

UPDATE: So despite the Catholic Church's war on science, abortions, gays, reason, etc., it appears they're rather progressive on economic issues. From a commenter on Moore's letter via Senior Cathologist and Tupperware Mobile Enthusiast Elvis Dingeldein:

Pope Benedict XVI issued an encyclical Caritas in veritate (Charity in Truth) in 2009; he stated: "The dignity of the individual and the demands of justice require, particularly today, that economic choices do not cause disparities in wealth to increase in an excessive and morally unacceptable manner."