Abortion Assholery War On Women

Judicial Activism

Three terrible people have reversed a decision that would have allowed a significant number of clinics that perform abortions to remain open in the state of Texas.

The order, authored by Judge Priscilla Owen, grants a temporary stay of a lower court judge’s decision blocking a provision of Texas law that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital in order to perform abortions at clinics. [...]

Judge Owen, the author of Wednesday’s opinion, is among the most staunchly anti-abortion judges in the country. In 2000, when both Judge Owen and future United States Attorney General Alberto Gonzales were justices on the Texas Supreme Court, then-Justice Owen authored a dissenting opinion seeking to make abortions more difficult to obtain in Texas. Gonzales responded to Owen in a separate concurring opinion that labeled Owen’s proposed resolution of the case an “unconscionable act of judicial activism.”

To be honest it’s hard to form a cogent or coherent response to this. It’s so infuriating as to be breathtaking it its naked hostility to the rights of women. It’s an affront to human decency.

In my mind all I want to do is yell expletives in their faces.

According to RH Reality Check, about one-third of the state’s clinics will be forced to close today. Score one for the War on Women.