Election 2008

JumpyPants Liveblogging Election 2008 Thread II

Posted by JumpyPants

9:55 - How many Biltmore balllrooms would it take to contain the Grant Park crowd? I'm guessing more than 8, which is the number of houses John McCain owns.

9:57 - Gergen talks about how Grant Park is symbolic, because it's where Grant Park fell apart in 1968. I guess the Biltmore is just where Hank Williams, Jr. is doing a mass-hypnosis exercise

10:00 - And here's Iowa! And the Mormons in Utah love McCain. Said to see Kansas not voting for the grandson of the Dunhams.

10:02 - Time for the nets to start talking about how big the victory it's going to be for Obama.

10:03 - I think we can be certain that Bill Bennett did all the motion-capture work for Jabba the Hutt. And also I think we can be clear that Barack Obama doesn't give a shit about what Bill Bennett has to say.

10:06 - Alex the Racist on CNN is spewing the same Rove spittle about how Obama feigned a centrist posture. In other words, "Obama won because he acted like us!" Uh, sorry, but: no.10:08 - McCain! Hey! Now's your chance! Give your concession speech! It's your last chance to do something crappy with all the nets paying attention to you!10:09 - Rachel Maddow reporting the draconian South Dakota abortion ban's defeat, and pointing out that it should be a big reality check for the GOP and all their Palin delusions.10:12 - Chuck Todd and his magic podium point out the loss of Chris Shays means that the GOP controls only the southeast in terms of Congress. Up in 2 and 4 years: we win the southeast for Congress!10:14 - HuffPost headline: PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA10:16 - Matthews talking about the fact that race just doesn't seem to have been a factor. These old white guys just don't get it!?! How can race not be a factor?!? I mean...he is...bl...African-American!! It should matter!!! Not that it matters, but, uh, shouldn't it matter? Chris, Anderson, Gergen, Bennett: welcome to a place I like to call the 21st Century.10:21 - John King crunching suburban and Latino numbers and concludes, off-handedly, that the GOP is borderline not a viable national party.10:22 - I predict that in the Barry Goldwater Suite in the Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Rick Davis is trying to remove all cutlery from John McCain's vicinity. Steve Schmidt is booking passage to South America. Sarah Palin is dreaming of victory in 2012.10:27 - Brit Hume is reduced to ridiculing Jack Murtha for declaring victory before the barbecuers have done so. Is that the best you can do, Brit? HEH?! Kicking Jack Murtha?! HEH?! HEH??!!10:34 - Fox News says the omens look pretty good for Obama in Florida. Writing that sentence just felt so wonderful. It's been 8 years coming.10:38 - Harold Ford talking about the rejection of divisiveness, and that's really the whole point in a way. Obama rejected it, and so did voters. AND HOW INSANE is MSNBC's painting of the ice at Rockefeller Plaza? Mike Murphy just admitted he's drunk. I'm not kidding.10:44 - Chuck Todd's magical podium allows him to stick virtual pins in the virtual map. It's kind of like voodoo!10:46 - Will.I.Am gets that he looks like Princess Leia's hologram in Star Wars. Anderson Cooper says "yeah, it's like you're being beamed up on Star Trek." Anderson Cooper is a dumbass.10:50 - Rachel: "I think John McCain deserves some credit for his own loss." Buchanan's not buying that. He'd rather blame the economy, Bush, and the holograms over at CNN. Rachel looks at Buchanan like she's looking at somebody's crazy uncle running loose on the street in socks, underpants and wielding a meat cleaver.10:55 - Bill Bennett is thinking the popular vote may actually be pretty close. I'm thinking Bill Bennett should stop eating pigs whole. Three at a time.10:57 - Matthews is contrasting Bush being appointed president to this victory for Obama. Everyone is talking about what a massive, massive achievement this is. Truly so.10:59 - CNN agrees with Fox about Virginia. And now they've called it. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!