Election 2008

JumpyPants Liveblogging President Elect Obama I

Posted by JumpyPants

11:03 - Bob is on the radio now, and we have a new president-elect!

11:05 - Roland Martin gives stirring pronouncement, connecting Obama to the NAACP. Gergen connects Obama to Dr. King and the promised land. Bill Bennett talks like a dick.

11:08 - Gene Robinson is, I think, trying to not cry on national TV. I know exactly how he feels, but I'm not on national TV. Olbermann: "this is man on the moon." What an incredible step forward this is, and Obama gets this so deeply, in his heart -- he has always been for enlightenment, while McCain and Bush were always for fundamental darkness. The universe is, by nature, progressive. Now, officially, so is the United States.

11:14 - Google is calling Florida. MSNBC is calling Colorado. Man, do I want to see Indiana.

11:17 - Congressman John Lewis is at a rare loss for words. This is beyond moving for me. I'm a mess, a joyful mess. Jesse Jackson can't stop crying. Neither can I. John Lewis finds his words, "America is a different nation, a better nation. We are prepared to lay down our dark past and look toward a brighter future. We are prepared to come together and follow a man of hope and a man of vision." And now, cut to a true shitbird, John McCain.11:20 - McCain can't even lose with dignity. His supporters are booing our next President. McCain: "I understand this is a big deal for the black folks." Cut to neo-Nazi types hugging. I'm not kidding. That's the actual image: a pair of skinheads, one of them with a big moustache, locked in heartbroken embrace. McCain is pathetically suggesting he tried to debate his differences with President-elect Obama. Nope, John, you didn't do that. You ran the sleaziest campaign in the history of modern campaigns.11:24 - Prediction: McCain doesn't run for reelection. "Many restful years ahead." He knows his numbers against Napolitano are toast. And you can be damn sure that the GOP elders are not psyched to run him again. And speaking of GOP disasters: it's Sarah Palin! That was one short shout-out for her, and the camera doesn't seem to love her so much.11:27 - The McCain base: thugs.11:29 - Bush thinks it was an "awesome night" for Obama. Hey - is he reading this blog?! Which one of you is Bush?!11:31 - It's looking better and better for IN and NC. We ain't done yet. Meanwhile, John Lewis is back on talking about fighting for civil rights. I would so much rather hear a civil rights warrior like John Lewis talk about the "race" issue in this election, because for him, race isn't something distant and obtuse like it is for Anderson Cooper et al - for him, race is about humanity, and his struggle was an opportunity to embrace humanism.11:45 - Bush, 271 and 286 "electoral" votes, respectively. Appointed the first time. You know, Bushie, this IS an awesome night. And you've never, ever had one like it. And you never will, you big fat bought-and-paid-for loser.11:48 - Josh Marshall says there's cause for cautious optimism in Missouri. Oh, sweet Missouri, bring on the 11 electoral votes! And add NC and IN while you're at it.11:55 - Might we win Montana? On another, grander even than Montana note, we have just moved beyond the absolute worst period in our modern history. And now, our new President, his wife and kids.11:59 - No more typing for me for a moment. I have to just listen.12:16 - True to form, when President-Elect Obama speaks, it is him speaking, in full possession of his thoughts, from his heart and his mind, with eloquence, compassion, courage and wisdom. How very different from the broken ventriloquist dummy who currently occupies that office. That was an incredible acceptance speech. Quoting Lincoln, reaching out to every single American - this man is the man for this time, for any time. He is needed, he is wanted, and he is more than ready to work. This is the speech I've been waiting for since the towers came down in my city. This is the speech we've been waiting for since Lincoln was killed, since Dr. King was killed. This is the speech that our founding fathers could only, in the depths of their minds eyes, imagine, but it was them who laid the fundamental groundwork for this man, for this speech, for this nation, for this time. Out of many, we are one. Yes we can.12:27 - Thanks for the blogging tonight, gang. Pancho is gonna ride off into the sunset for this evening, with or without the Cisco Kid. I hope to awaken tomorrow having won NC, IN, MT and MO. And Franken, Merkley and Begich. Let's go to work! (After getting some sleep.)