Election 2008

Just Voted



Waited in line for 40 minutes. Only two voting booths for the entire precinct, so I badgered the county board to get another booth down here. We'll see if they do. There's also no Democratic poll watchers. A Republican poll watcher was there, though, writing down the names of everyone who voted. I asked the county board member about that, and he said it was fine unless the watcher was intimidating voters. But look, seeing a Republican adding your name to a list on a sheet of loose-leaf is weird at the very least.


That's a 40 minute line. With only two Shouptronic booths, it makes a relatively short line so much longer. Oh, and there wasn't a pen for the write-in slot (the GOP state representative was uncontested, so I wrote-in a name).

Have to find out where the Democratic poll watcher is.

ADDING... Rachel Maddow is correct. Long lines are a poll tax (missing work to vote means you're paying to vote). Lots of conspiracy theories out there, but the long lines are the most egregious and obvious forms of suppression. If you see a long line, find a county board official and badger them for more booths. What do you have to lose?