
Layoff Hearings

A Dream by Lee Stranahan

I want to see Congress hold hearings and bring CEOs in front of the national spotlight. It's easy enough to find the ones who are laying off workers not because the company is in real trouble but simply to add to the bottom line. Ask the CEOs how much money they make. Ask about their bonuses. Ask about whose dumb decisions cost companies millions.

Use the power of public hearings to expose one of the biggest problems in the economy right now - greedy, overpaid, incompetent executives using the economic crisis as an excuse to cut jobs, cut benefits, and scare the rest of the remaining workers into keeping their mouths shuts out of the fear that they could be the next to go.

UPDATE: I've started a petition - please sign it and pass it on: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/nolayoff/petition.html

[Bumped to the top of the page! -Bob]