
Let Them Go Bankrupt!

Fortunately, President Obama did not follow Mitt Romney's advice.

The American auto-industry, the industry which this country was built on, is making a comeback.

American automakers plan to hire thousands of workers in 2012 as sales continue to rebound, yet another sign that President Obama’s rescue of the auto industry has been successful. Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler announced that they would add a total of 6,000 factory workers in Michigan, Kentucky, and Illinois, and total payrolls at American auto plants could reach 650,000 this year. Two years after the auto industry rescue, American car companies gained market share for the first time in two decades, and analysts expect the third consecutive year of gains in the industry. With economic uncertainty plaguing Europe and parts of Asia, meanwhile, the U.S. has become a safe haven for foreign car companies as well — German and Japanese companies are both planning to hire more American workers.

Remember America -- socialism saved your Chevy pickup trucks.