Rush Limbaugh

Limbaugh Blames Obama for Sanford's Affair

Rush Limbaugh blames, of all people, President Obama for Mark Sanford's affair:

"This is almost like, 'I don't give a damn, the country's going to Hell in a handbasket, I just want out of here,'" Limbaugh said. "[Sanford] had just tried to fight the stimulus money coming to South Carolina. He didn't want any part of it; he lost the battle. He said, 'What the hell. I mean, the federal government's taking over -- what the hell, I want to enjoy life.'"

Naturally a guy who's been married three times and who takes stag trips to the Dominican Republic with a fanny pack full of Viagra (not in his name) will equate "enjoying life" with "cheating on one's wife with an Argentinian mistress."