George W. Bush

Little George vs. Big George

Jane Hamsher has a great piece over at Huff Post about the House of Atreus-like struggle and meta-patricidal behavior of Little George the Boy Emperor in regards to TraitorGate. Jane makes a pretty compelling case not only that Little George has an overamped version of the Oedipus Complex, but that he, of course, knew that his Boy Genius Rove was going right at Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame.

As the Patrick Fitzgerald juggernaut proceeds apace, they've tried to argue that this was all Cheney's doing, but I don't buy it. This wasn't the kind of thing Rove needed to "protect" Junior from. It's the kind of dirty, junior high politics that former "loyalty enforcer" Dubya delights in.

I've been arguing a lot on this site that Cheney sat at the head of the White House Iraq Group table and is the spycraft empressario who masterminded the forged-documents-thru-Italy scenario. I stand by that. But Hamsher is absolutely right: the smearing of a man's wife is SOP for Bush and Rove. Especially when the man is a better son than bitter Little George could even dream of being. We know the president knew. But he more than knew, he did something we don't see a lot of: he led.