The Daily Banter

Mail Bag. Wet. Good.

This week's The Daily Banter mail bag is posted. It's good and good for you. The questions by way of a preview:

Hey guys, how do you think Romney's foreign policy would differ to Obama's? I can't figure out what the hell he stands for other than being on the same page as Obama on Afghanistan/Iraq/Pakistan and hating China. I'm not a fan of Obama's foreign policy. The drone attacks are illegal and outrageous, he's still in Afghanistan (and Iraq) and he's done nothing on Israel/Palestine whatsoever. It's hard to see how Romney could be worse really.

What did you think of Chris Rock's tweet on the 4th? (IF you didn't see it, he wrote "Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren't free but I'm sure they enjoyed fireworks"). I think he's a complete dick.

Alright guys, non politics question: You think Tom Cruise gay? That scientology bullshit is a gigantic smoke screen for something. Either he likes dudes or he's working for the CIA. And that David Miscavige character, he's a psycho. Oh man, they're gonna come after me now....

Read our answers here.