Michelle Malkin

Malkin's Saudi Wingnuttery

As Dave Weigel points out, Michelle Malkin is making a stink about President Obama bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia at the G20. And yet, according to Malkin, Mrs. Obama "touching" the Queen was a huge gaffe.

In other words: Etiquette is important! No it isn't!

She also calls hypocrisy on everyone who was aghast at those photos of Bush holding hands with King Abdullah:

So I hope all the lefties who tore into Bush over his Saudi prostration will express equal disgust with President HopeAndChange’s literal bowing and scraping to King Abdullah.

Scraping? I'm going to address Malkin directly for a moment: You're an idiot. The Bushes have a long history of friendship with the Saudi royals, including untold millions in oil deals and investments. Remember that one guy -- Bandar Bush? Cigars on the Truman balcony two days after 9/11? See, the image of Bush holding hands with the king of Saudi Arabia has a very, very, very long and twisted shadow. President Obama, on the other hand, has nothing to do with the Saudis -- whatsoever! See the difference? Oh wait. I get it. You're implying that the president is secretly a Muslim. Gotcha. By the way, let me know when you have a breakthrough on the "moon landing was faked" investigation.

Oh, and I try not to hold bloggers accountable for the comments on their site, but the following comment on Malkin's Saudi post caught my attention. You know, because of the flagrant wingnut racism:

Basically we’re slumming it. In 6 short months America has gone from Texas Oil Baron to ‘white trash with money’ or rather ‘ghetto fabulous’.

Its like ‘Showtime at the Apollo’ has gone global - only no one is brave enough to pull him off the stage.

Malkin readers: Classy!