Senator Barack Obama

Marginalize And Reject This

When I wrote my Huffington Post column yesterday, The Mandatory Rejection of Sarah Palin, this is the kind of attitude I was referring to:

"It's not that he's black," Jim insisted. "But it's what the blacks will do if he wins, that's what bothers me. ... If Obama wins, the blacks are gonna say, 'We're taking charge, he's our president.' You know how they get."

We don't know, Jim. Tell us how that works. In Massachusetts, where Deval Patrick is governor, have there been race riots or African Americans demanding that white people genuflect at their feet? Was it that way in Virginia when Doug Wilder was governor? Did it happen when Colin Powell became the first African American Secretary of State? Or when Thurgood Marshall was appointed to the Bench?

Nope, nope, nope and nope.

But I seem to recall that shortly after the election of George W. Bush, redneck culture and its accompanying simplistic, ignorant, knee-jerk politics were all the rage for eight long years. Yeehaw!