
Max Baucus Kills the Public Option

In the Senate, at least. The word according to AP:

WASHINGTON — After weeks of secretive talks, a bipartisan group in the Senate edged closer Monday to a health care compromise that omits a requirement for businesses to offer coverage to their workers and lacks a government insurance option that President Barack Obama favors, according to numerous officials. [...]

The senators involved in the negotiations are all members of the Senate Finance Committee, and include Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., the chairman, and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the senior Republican. Others participating are Democratic Sens. Kent Conrad of North Dakota and Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, and Republicans Snowe and Mike Enzi of Wyoming.

Good effing gravy. All of these wankers have a wad of healthcare industry cash in one hand and their other hand down the pants of their lobbyist financiers. It's one of the most disgusting displays of corporate stroking in the history of the Senate.

Don't panic about the public option yet. Worry, but don't panic. Remember the House will require a public option for legislation to pass.


Like bills drafted by Democrats, the proposal under discussion by six members on the Senate Finance Committee would bar insurance companies from denying coverage to any applicant. Nor could insurers charge higher premiums on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions.

Whoopee! All well and good, until six months later when the rates would be tripled and doled out with some other excuse. The public option wouldn't do this, nor would the competition created by the public option allow private insurers to behave this way for fear of losing customers to the government plan.

Without the public option, healthcare reform means nothing.