Today on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, a jury of aristocrats continued to find the defendant, President Barack Hussein Obama– guilty! guilty! guilty! of failure, and such, by presiding over a recovering economy, expanded healthcare and civil rights for millions of Americans, deficit reduction and even finding the time to totally undermine the War On Drugs– most recently by commuting the sentences of eight non-violent drug offenders who were convicted in what the president called “an unfair system.”
He even managed to transfer some more detainees from Guantanamo Bay.
I know, I know, expanding and regulating healthcare insurance and championing liberal policy– which most Americans agree with issue-by-issue– is all bad news for Obama. Just saying “Obama, IRS, NSA, Healthcare.Gov” constitutes a year of scandal and failure in this post-Bush era of cleaner, responsive government.
This seems to be the time of the year when the Beltway Press Club collects on a $1 wager placed on their collective power over public perception.
They think they got their man.

Image from Birth of a Nation. Wiki Commons.
But Greta Van Susteren, inspiration to at least dozens of humanoids, didn’t think much of the year in Republican party sabotage(It’s like it doesn’t exist in any of these discussions. Huh.)and thought the president’s last press conference was just ‘pathetic’ and uninspiring to her objective place where a heart and mind would normally be, saying, ”He sucked the oxygen out of the room. He ends the year where you just want to slit your throat almost because it was so depressing.”
Charming imagery. Yes, slit your throat because you’re happy. It makes perfect sense if you play it backwards on vinyl, kids.