
Media Blackout

Evidently Christine O'Donnell canceled her scheduled appearance on Face the Nation this weekend. I suppose the pit bull Bob Scheiffer might 'gotcha' her to death, you know, because the Sunday show hosts are all so effective at diligently weeding out bullshit. [end snark]

At some point, there needs to be a backlash against this Palin media blackout strategy. Not necessarily from the press alone, but primarily from voters who ought to recognize the obvious cowardice and shifty, slippery evasion from accountability.

Sharron Angle, Rand Paul, Sarah Palin and now Christine O'Donnell are deliberately snubbing the press as a means of shielding their utter incompetence and glaring unseriousness from wide public view. At the very least, I hope that gigantic swath of independent voters are smart enough to recognize the deception.

Adding... Sarah Palin just now on Twitter:

CQ Politics - c'mon guys, get it right. No one told Christine to only speak to FOX news. C'mon now, print truth. Thanks very much.

Cue seal screaming like a man sound.

No one told Christine -- except for Sarah Palin.

"go with her gut, get out there, speak through the American people. Speak through FOX News."

She's very simply a compulsive liar, just like O'Donnell. No wonder they have to hide from the legitimate press.