![Hundreds of bigots and religious fanatics (Chickens for Jesus!)line up to get itheir hands on some anti-gay chicken at a restaurant in Laguna Niguel. Credit: Don Bartletti / Los Angeles Times](https://i0.wp.com/www.bobcesca.com/files/2013/09/6a00d8341c630a53ef016768fcc323970b-640wi.jpg?resize=450%2C275&ssl=1)
Hundreds of bigots and religious fanatics (Chickens for Jesus!)line up to get their hands on some anti-gay chicken at a restaurant in Laguna Niguel. Credit: Don Bartletti / Los Angeles Times
Turns out bigotry is profitable in America when you have an army of zombies lining up to get their cold, chubby fingers around a bite-sized version of proactive hate speech.
According to Forbes, Chic-fil-A is the country’s most profitable fast food chain bringing in an average of $3.1 million per location. Nobody else tops $3 million. Second on the list was McDonald’s at $2.6 million per store.
You might remember that Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, donates millions to hate groups and has said, among other things, that “you are inviting God’s judgement” if you support Gay marriage. The company has been sued at least twelve times for discriminatory practices and, according to Forbes in 2007, the company is “a cult” whose founders believe that “serving Chicken is God’s work.”
Only the most pure job applicants among us are chosen to do ‘God’s work’ for minimum wage. When Chick-fil-A calls your number, you are now one of the righteous. It’s like the subtle creep of a Hunger Games economy.
This doesn’t bode well for the institution of boycott. Hate sells, and terrible people are buying.
So, when someone says that your dollars and the ‘free market’ will solve the problems of social and economic discrimination, and there’s no need for any of that outdated Civil Rights Act stuff, go ahead and tell them to keep fornicating with those chickens.