Music Ted Nugent Wingnuts

Mike Huckabee’s “Wholesome” Music

Last week would-be presidential contender Mike Huckabee attacked the president and first lady for letting their daughters listen to Beyonce because, clearly, listening to Beyonce negates the benefits of a healthy diet and a good education.

Huckabee defended his comments yesterday on ABC’s This Week.

HUCKABEE: “My point was, even in speaking about the Obamas — and I said about them in the book, they’re great parents. But it was President Obama in an interview with Glamour who said that some of the lyrics he won’t listen to with his daughters because it embarrasses him.

Well, here’s my point, if it embarrasses you then why would you possibly think it’s wholesome for your children to put it into their heads.

If anyone knows about wholesome music, it’s Mike Huckabee.


Ted Nugent happens to be one of the most virulently racist and misogynistic psychopaths in the nation who shit his pants to avoid the draft. Nugent has also admitted to being “addicted” to underage girls.