RNC 2008

More of The Same

The Republicans have found their new George W. Bush. Governor Palin or Governor Bush. They're the same. It's as if they looked at the real Bush and said, We can top it -- drop the Texas, add Alaska and some non-prescription glasses and taa-daaa!

Like Bush, the Republicans can feed into her every lie and smear they invent and she's comfortable repeating all of it by rote -- last night's speech was largely written before she was selected. They can control her on policy because she's a policy lightweight. She's loaded with scandals. Do the list and it's a healthy start to her own "Bushed!" feaure on Countdown. She's a far-right fundamentalist with out-of-touch social views. Other than her family story, she's insubstantial. And, of course, they both say "nookular."

And based on the cable news coverage I'm seeing this morning, the usual suspects are falling for it. Again.