Morning Joe

Morning Joe

Remember last week when Scarborough was laughing and mocking Glenn Beck's unhinged rants? Well clearly Scarborough is taking a note from Beck's hysteria. On Morning Joe just now, Scarborough went off on a lengthy rant -- shouting down fellow conservative Andrew Ross Sorkin -- about how the president is a socialist and how he's never earned a paycheck in his entire life. Not even from "a burger stand." And how he's running all of our industries! AAAAH!

Not only was Scarborough suffering from a red-baiting Glenn Beck-magnitude schizoid embolism, but he was, once again, factually inaccurate. The president worked for a Baskin-Robbins when he was a teenager. His first job out of college was for a publishing company called Business International Corporation. And then there's a variety of law-practice, public service and teaching jobs -- but I suppose law, public service and teaching aren't real gigs.

Wait. This work history sounds familiar. Joe Scarborough went from college to teaching high school and practicing law. He was also in some sort of musical act. And from there, he applied his music, law and teaching skills as a member of the United States Congress -- a gig where he ostensibly voted on issues that impacted working people.

UPDATE: Video of Scarborough's apoplexy:

SCARBOROUGH: Think about this: We have a president who has never received a paycheck. … This guy — think about it — he’s running Detroit, he’s running Wall Street, he’s gonna run other sectors of our economy. Andrew, he’s never received a check from a profit-making business in his entire life. Not one check. … Think about the radicalism of that!