Morning Joe

Morning Joe

Watching Morning Joe this morning, it's staggering how the predominant tone is that torture is President Obama's problem. The discourse on the show isn't about how and why the Bush administration sold out our national integrity and morality -- the discussion has almost entirely focused on how investigating the Bush administration's use of torture is bad for Obama, and how it'll be a horrible political move for Democrats.

It's the "Obama Bear Market" argument all over again, in which the president was blamed for a stock market declines that began in late 2007, recycled for Scarborough's torture fetish.

Incidentally, remember when Scarborough publicly tattle-taled to Arianna about me accusing him of being a neo-McCarthyite? This morning, Scarborough was accusing the Democrats of engaging in McCarthyism. Naturally, he framed it in his passive aggressive style by first denying he was making the accusation, then went ahead and did it.