Sarah Palin

Morning Mika

Mika Brzezinski's hero worship of Sarah Palin is just weird now. Maybe it's because Mika always seems really sad and defeated -- sitting there with her Palin hairdo like a face-painted football fan after a bad day at the stadium -- repeating the worn out, "Sarah really got an unfair shake," lament.

We all know that Palin, in large part, made her own bed and continues to behave like a doof on the national stage, so the argument that she's being treated unfairly holds less and less water. She's doing this to herself and she won't go away. Which, of course, I don't mind.

Scarborough was describing how Palin needs to leave the stage and do some serious work. The thing is, I don't know if she's capable of that. She has a taste of celebrity and her record shows an unserious mind. She's incapable doing serious work -- at least now in her post-2008 career.