
Nope. Not Racist At All.

While we're on the subject of former Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce being a colossal douche, lets take a moment to look at the content of the emails the ACLU and other rights organizations are using in court to challenge the remaining parts of Arizona's "Papers Please" anti-immigration law SB1070, which was championed and passed by Russell Pearce.

The state's defense relies on the notion that the law isn't racist and wasn't intended to enable racial profiling, but emails obtained through public records requests reveals the ugly truth. That you need only look at Pearce's personal correspondence to find his white hood and the true motivations for passing the law.

There are many examples, but these are my favorites

“Battles commence as Mexican nationalists struggle to infuse their men into American government and strengthen control over their strongholds. One look at Los Angeles with its Mexican-American mayor shows you Vincente Fox’s general Varigossa commanding an American city.”

“Corruption is the mechanism by which Mexico operates. Its people spawn more corruption wherever they go because it is their only known way of life.”

“Last week, Denver’s illegal aliens sang our national anthem in Spanish and bastardized the words of OUR country’s most sacred song.”

They sang the national anthem. America's national anthem. But they did so with another language, so that apparently doesn't count. Because it's "OUR" (read: white "real Americans") country.

This isn't a slam-dunk case against the legality of the law, but it will certainly make it more difficult to defend SB1070 on the merit of the law, because it sure wasn't passed based on merit.

By the way, here's a photo of Russell Pearce with neo-nazi Sheriff candidate JT Ready. The man who killed five people including himself on May 2nd. Ready tried to blame his murder-suicide on immigrants in a Facebook post.