
This Guy’s Not Far Off

Posted by Redmond

Like dad tossing us the keys to the car for the weekend, Elvis and I will be bringing you some light political tomfoolery today and tomorrow provided we don't pry open the liquor cabinet and drink all the.. peppermint schnapps? Bob, you dandy.

On that note, Harry Knowles and Guillermo del Toro apparently had a secret love child who's crawled out of hiding to make an eerily accurate parody video in response to Christine O'Donnell's wackaloon "I Am You" campaign. Enjoy and just a warning, there's a dash of naughty talk at the end.

Note: For those of you curious about my political hiatus since "Why Me Not President", to this day, friends and family members still find me crouched in the clothes hamper mumbling, "Caribou lasagna. CARIBOU LASAGNA," until an old priest and a young priest physically punch me back to reality. It's a serious condition.