
Obvious Headline from An Unlikely Source

U.S. Economy Gets Lift From Stimulus

There was never any doubt among non-crazy people that this would happen. The Wall Street Journal on the other hand...

Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan Will Get Little Value for Money

It's Not a 'Stimulus' Bill

The Real Stimulus Burden - We'll be paying for this in many ways, for many years.

Adding... Eric Cantor hasn't read his Murdoch cheat sheet today.

CANTOR: Since we know now that the Stimulus has not met the criteria by which it was passed and the White House promoted it, which was to stave off job losses and to stop unemployment from reaching above 8.5%, since we know it’s been a failure, why not do the responsible thing, which is to take the $400 billion that has not been committed yet - or not been spent, but been committed to the stimulus - and just pay off the debt and deficit so we can get our fiscal house back in order?

But Murdoch's WSJ says the stimulus is working, congressman.

And the wingnuts are all about message discipline?